
Results gathered for Genealogical tract on the Fothairt

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 2 
incipit: Eochaid Find Fuath nAirt   Prose section and pedigrees for Fotharta Fea (f. 96va), Uí Chulduib (96vb), Uí Ercain (96vb), the Uí Bresail of Uí Failgi (96vc, refers to Brigit), Fotharta Maigi Itha (97ra); Cland Céin Chulduib meic Ecnach (97rb), and Fotharta Maigi Itha (97rc).
ff. 96(105)v.10–97(106)rc.33  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 610/Leabhar na Rátha 
rubric: De peritia Fhothart so sís   incipit: Eochaid Find Fúathnairt .i. fúath déa ar a chóeme, a quo Fotharta (.i. fuatharta) nominatur   Shorter text in prose consisting of a brief main section and Brigit’s genealogy.
f. 78va.13–vb.16  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 610/Leabhar na Rátha 
rubric: De peritia Fhothart so sís ... Do genelach Brigte   incipit: Eochaid Find Fúathnairt   Incl. Do genelach Brigte (f. 78va.28ff).
f. 78va.13–f. 78vb.16
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
context: Tract on the Laigin   rubric: Do phrimforslointib Lagen inso .i. da phrimforsloinniud Fothairtt ⁊ Laichsi sed de peritia ⁊ de genelogiis Fothart prius dicemus   incipit: Eochaid didiu Fuath nAirt a quo Fothairt nominantur ⁊ progeniti sunt   incl. Huait a meic huí Moguirni, A Eochaid Airtt Fuath ara falnather, Genealogical tract on the Fothairt   Genealogical section on the Fothairt, the first of the prím-forslointe of Leinster to be treated in detail. Incl. two retoirics of substantial length: (a) beg. Huait a mc .h. Moguirni and (b) beg. A Eochaid Airtt Fuath ara falnather iath aneoil (poeta dixit, marg.).
in section: f. 69r(125)a.i–f. 69v(126)b.12
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
rubric: Do phrimforslointib Lagen inso .i. da phrimforsloinniud Fothairtt ⁊ Laichsi sed de peritia ⁊ de genelogiis Fothart prius dicemus   incipit: Eochaid didiu Fuath nAirt a quo Fothairt nominantur ⁊ progeniti sunt   Short prose introduction, two retoirics, beg. Huait a meic h-úi Moguirni mostoimthi techta taiririud orofal and A Eochaid Airtt Fuath arafalnather iath aneoil (69rb), and genealogies for the descendants of Óengus Mend and Cian Cúldub.
ff. 69r(125)a.i–v(126)b.12